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Svilengrad town


  Svilengrad - a town on Maritsa river and the mouth of its tributary Golyama Reka, 67 km south-east of Haskovo. Population of 19 000.

A station along the railway line Sofia - Svilengrad - Istanbul.

The town is founded on the ruins of a Thracian settlement. In the close vicinity late-antiquity Bourdipta wayside station is built, through which the Roman road from Filipopol (Plovdiv) to Adrianopol (Odrin) passed. 

After the Congress of Berlin (1878) the town remains within the territory of Turkey. Upon its liberation during the Balkan war of 1912 it is burned down and devastated by Turks. To this day churches "Sveta Troitsa" (1834) and "Sveti Dimitur" (1898) are preserved.




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The city of Svilengrad. Bulgaria as a wine producing country