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Pavel Banya town


  This town is in Kazanluk Valley, 25 km west of Kazanluk; a balneological resort at an altitude of 400 m. Population of 3200. A station along the railway line Sofia-Karlovo-Bourgas.

Pavel Banya is a leading center of rehabilitation and healing of diseases of the locomotion and the nervous system. But the most effective results are achieved at the treatment of diseases of the locomotion system and traumatic conditions of the spinal cord. 

There is a modern center for treatment of paraplegia. Narechen is situated at an altitude of 620-660 m. The climate is transitional between the temperate continental zone and the country's southernmost regions where the Mediterranean influence is the strongest. 

The average air temperature is about 10 degrees Celsius and the average July temperature, about 19-20C. Thanks to the fresh mountain breezes the summer is not excessively hot and the weather is particularly fine. 

The winter is mild to moderately cold with many clear days. The autumn is long, warm and sunny. The relative air humidity is moderate ( about 70 per cent ). The air is extremely clean and rich in negative iron ions which have a beneficial effect on the mucous lining of the respiratory tract and on the nervous system.

For about ten years now mud-treatment is also applied in the spa in alternation with mineral baths. Excellent results have been achieved with thousands of patients suffering arthritis and gynecological conditions.




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The city of Pavelbanya. Bulgaria as a wine producing country