Halvdan Olafsson
(Omkr 0675-) |
Halvdan Olafsson
He was the son of Olaf Trætælja of the House of Yngling. His father was sacrificed to Odin by the Swedish settlers in Værmland because of a famine. Some Swedes, however, realised that the famine was brought by overpopulation and not by the fact that the king had been neglecting his religious duties. Consequently, they resolved to cross the Ed Forest and settle in Norway and happened to end up in Soleyar, where they killed king Sølve and took Halfdan prisoner. The Swedish expatriates elected Halfdan king as he was the son of their old king, Olaf. Halfdan subjugated all of Soleyar and took his army into Romerike and subjugated that province as well. Halfdan was to become a great king, who married Åsa, the daughter of king Eystein, the rulerof Oppland and Hedmark. They had two sons, Eystein Halfdansson and Gudrød. Halfdan conquered a large part of Hedemark, Toten, Hadeland and a part of Vestfold. When his brother IngjaldOlofsson died, he inherited Værmland. Halfdan died of old age in Toten and was transported to Vestfold, where he was buried under a mound in Skiringssal.
Begivenhedsbeskrivelse: Y ![]() Halvdan havde et forhold til Åsa Öysteinsdatter, datter af Öystein Gudrödsen og Solveig of Norway. (Åsa Öysteinsdatter blev født omkring 679 i Oppland, Norway og døde i Hylle, Voss, Hordaland, Norway.) |
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