Rurik of Holmgård
(Omkr 0845-Omkr 0879)



1. Efanda of Urman

Rurik of Holmgård

  • Født: Omkr 845, Kievan Rus', Russia
  • Ægteskab (1): Efanda of Urman i 876 i Novgorod, Kievan Rus', Russia
  • Død: Omkr 879, Rurikovo Gorodische (Holmgård), Veliky Novgorod, Novgorod Oblast, Russia i en alder af ca. 34 år
  • Begravet: Shum-gora, Peredolskaya Volost, Novgorod Oblast, Russia

punkttegn  Notater:

The Rurik Dynasty was the ruling dynasty of Russia from 862 to 1598. More precisely, though, Russia per se did not exist during this time. The state that existed from 862 until 1240 (see Mongol invasion of Russia) is called the Kievan Rus'. The Mongols forced the Rurikid rulers to withdraw to the city of Novgorod. After the 1480s, the dynasty ruled over a state called Muscovy and held court atMoscow. The dynasty was established by Rurik, a Varangian ruler of Novgorod, and became extinct with the death of the imbecile tsar Feodor I. After Feodor's death, an unstable period known as the Time of Troubles ensued, and lasted until 1613. That year, Mikhail I took the throne, founding the Romanov Dynasty that would last for three centuries.
A "Veche" was convened by the Slavs at which time it was voted to invite three brothers Rurik, Sineus, and Truvor from the Varangian tribe Rus' to rule over the Slavs. In the ancient chronicle (Novgorodskaya Pervaya Lietopis. M.; L., 1950. Page 106.), we read that the Nordic princes were invited to Russia (the chronicle does not say by whom) to bring order and defend Russian lands from foreigninvaders. While it is true that some Russian cities and principalities competed, even sometimes quarreled amongst themselves and were often attacked by nomadic Turkish tribes and thus needed more qualified Nordic warlords and their professional soldiers, the fact that so many Nordic princes came to Russia at the time left the impression to some Russian history students that their country was actually "invaded" by the Rurikid princes and their men. We see in the legend first the three brothers: Rurik in Novgorod, Sineus in Belozero and Truvor in Izborsk. All three profited of internal Russian tribal strife and became the very first known rulers. Then Askold in Kiev and Rogvolod in Polotsk came to govern that part of Russian land. Later we see that Rurik's cousin Oleg rushed to help him to suppress by force the rebellion when Novgorod citizens wanted to free themselves from Rurik's rule, making hard to take for granted the "invitation," which presumably Rurik received from Novgorod's Veche, a detail which was described in a chronicle written about a hundred years later. Nevertheless, the Rurikids laid down solid foundations of the all Russian state. Evidently, the author of "Povest vremennykh liet," relied on previous works of his predecessors and not realizing that they may be lost to posterity, he did not consider it necessary to incorporate all that was recounted in the worksof his predecessors in his new work, and instead selectively picked only that which at the moment was of absolute imperative. This serves to illustrate the meagerness and many gaps in the accounts of"Povesti" on the earliest events in Novgorod and Kiev. And those accounts that the author of "Povesti" did include, were altered by substantial revision. The author for instance, omits the accounts in the first initial Novgorod chronicle of the Varangians' brutality doled on the Novgorodians (" ty nasil'e deyakhu slovenam, krivichem and meryam I chudi."), which by no means were not helpful in the author's goal of glorifying the Rurik dynasty. The author of "Povest" however did mention the expulsion of the coercive bands by the Novgorodians, and gave details on how the Novgorodians started to live after the expulsion of the Varangians and what had been the reasons for the invitation of the notorious three brothers, about which the Kievans to that time had no knowledge of and which in any case where little interested in, since their recent history was more of interest to them. Likewise in the Novgorod chronicle there were details which were altered or omitted in "povest' such as that "Slovens and Krivichi and Meria," were now calling themselves Novgorodians, that "Slovenes had their own volost, Krivichi their's, and Meria their's.
Rurik, the Viking leader who is traditionally credited with founding the Russian state, was born in Friesland, a region in present-day Holland, which his father controlled. After leading raids in France, UK, and Germany, Rurik gained control of a large tract of land in Jutland. However, he soon abandoned his claim under pressure from rival chieftains.
In the 850s, Rurik and his brothers Sineus and Truvor led a band of Vikings into northwestern Russia where they established a settlement near Lake Ladoga in what is now northeastern Russia very near the border with Finland. Rurik soon moved part of the settlement to nearby Novgorod, according to legend, at the invitation of the local Slavs. There he established the seat of his power and built a fortress from which he could rule the Russian lands. His rule extended as far south as Kiev where his successors founded the powerful Kievan state, which lasted until the 1200s. From Rurik camethe house of Rurikovitch which ruled Russia until the end of the 16th century. Rurik married Effenda Grand Duchess of Novgorod in 876 in Novgorod, Kievan Rus'. (Effenda Grand Duchess of Novgorodwas born about 850 in Novgorod, Kievan Rus'.)

punkttegn  Fødselsnotater:

Begivenhedsbeskrivelse: Y


punkttegn  Om Rurik

• Beskæftigelse: Grand Duke Of Novgorod.


Rurik blev gift med Efanda of Urman i 876 i Novgorod, Kievan Rus', Russia. (Efanda of Urman blev født omkring 850 i Novgorod, Kievan Rus', Russia og døde omkring 878.)

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